GW Project SEARCH: How to Apply

Applying to GW Project SEARCH

We encourage all eligible applicants to apply using our online form AFTER they have:

  1. Downloaded and reviewed the application check-list
  2. Downloaded and completed a paper copy of the application

Applications will not be reviewed by the GW Project SEARCH selection committee until the applicant submits the following:

  1. At least one personal or professional recommendation (both preferred). Recommendations can either be completed online or paper (online preferred).
  2. A copy of most recent IEP
  3. A copy of most recent psychological evaluation
  4. Documentation of RSA eligibility

All documents not submitted online should be emailed, faxed, or mailed to:

Emily Lehman

GW Project SEARCH Manager

2134 G Street, NW

Washington, DC   20052

Phone: (202) 994-2583

Email: [email protected]

Fax: (202) 994-8613


Please feel free to contact Emily Lehman with any questions and/or concerns.