Vision and Mission

At GW, we know that studying and working at a university that reflects and embraces a rich and broad range of human experiences and perspectives is incredibly important. Not only does it enrich the quality and vibrancy of campus life, it increases our capacity to learn and disseminate knowledge, and prepares us for engaged citizenship and leadership in an increasingly diverse and global society.

Our mission and vision are driven by our commitment to inclusive excellence. Inclusive excellence is the recognition that an organization’s success is conditional on how well it engages, includes, and honors the rich diversity of its community members, including its students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends and affiliates.   Along with several organizations, we believe in order to understand and work toward inclusive excellence, it is critical to acknowledge and embody the following:
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion are strategies toward a community of excellence - toward ONE GW
  • Not only do we notice and acknowledge our differences, we also embrace differences
  • Recognize that education, policies, curriculum, physical space, access to basic needs, systems, and overall conditions impact the community
  • Belief that each unique person and experience contribute to our learning
  • Understanding that diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies benefit everyone
  • Believing having an array of different backgrounds, identities, and lived experiences is essential
  • Understand that having differences comes with the responsibility to ensure that everyone is able to fully participate, remain authentic, thrive, feel safe, and lead 
To help our community build and leverage these outcomes, the Office for Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement is guided by the following vision and mission statements:


Over the next decade, the Office for Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement will establish itself as a powerful resource and help GW become internationally renowned for inclusive excellence. GW's vision for excellence includes transforming itself and higher education by attracting, retaining and leveraging the talents of diverse individuals to facilitate exceptional teaching, learning, scholarship and service in a climate that is welcoming and inclusive to all.

Mission Statement:

The Office for Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement supports GW’s strategic priorities and aspirations for academic and inclusive excellence by providing outreach efforts to improve and enhance the following, in order to promote and foster the most inclusive community:
  • teaching and learning
  • sense of belonging
  • mentoring and leadership development
  • dissemination and application of knowledge, and 
  • build and sustain vital community partnerships