

The PowerPromise of  Diversity

Every community owes its existence and strength to the generations before them, around the world, who contributed to their hopes, dreams, and energy to making the history that led to this moment. Some were drawn to migrate from their homes in hopes of a better life, some were brought here against their will, and some have lived on this land for more generations than can be counted. 

Truth and acknowledgement are necessary in building mutual respect and connections across all barriers of heritage, culture, identity, and difference. 

We acknowledge that we are joining from the ancestral homelands of the Piscataway, Anacostan, and Nacotchtank Peoples and a place where Black people were enslaved, forced to work for free, and abused. It is critical that we name and understand the painful history of enslavement, genocide, and forced removal from the space, and honor and respect the many diverse people still connected to and responsible for creating, building, and giving us this land.  





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Board Meeting Highlights Diversity and Inclusion, Strategic Initiatives

The board also approved a new mission statement and nominated new leadership.

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GW Community Serves to Honor MLK Jr.

The 23rd annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service and Leadership saw the highest participation numbers in the last four...

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Learning Antiracism from MLK Jr.

The Third Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Lecture tackled overcoming racist ideas and building an anti-racist America.

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Welcome Back from President LeBlanc

Dr. LeBlanc addresses strategic initiatives, resources for those affected by government shutdown.


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